Putting yourself in the loop can save your program by Michael Skinner
In my days on the Michigan Coalition for the Arts, we would receive countless telephone calls from teachers who just found out that their program was going to be cut. They would call looking for help and guidance. Unfortunately, when they heard about the cuts, it was too late for our materials to help.
The work needed to save or maintain your program should start now and be continuous. Here are some things to think about to make sure you’re not on the short end of the “program cut” conversation.
Try to become involved with the decision making process in your district. While attending School Board meetings may be arduous, you will hear a great deal about the budgeting process. These meetings are where the rumblings of cuts begin.
If your district has a curriculum committee, get on it. Being in the driver seat regarding curriculum can assist you in insuring that music and the arts stay in the middle of your curriculum.
This was the hardest part for me as an educator until I realized how important it was. If you don’t promote your program to the community they will not know what you do for their students. If they don’t know what you do, they will have no substantial response if your program gets cut.
In the event you do hear rumblings about program cuts at the Board meetings that you now attend, you have to be ready to spring into action. The best place to find help for this is at www.supportmusic.com. It’s part of the NAMM Foundation (www.nammfoundation.org/support-music).
If you have not seen this site, you’re missing out on tons of high quality material that will assist you in making your case. Even if your program seems fine, go to supportmusic.com now! It’s a real learning experience.
Complacency is a luxury a music educator cannot afford. Be vigilant in promoting your program and be ready to respond to even a hint of trouble. That’s the only way you’ll know that they won’t be cutting your program.